Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Little Cash Man

People aren't kidding when they say that time flies.  Cash's birth day was one of the best day of my life.. and while it gets better every day.. it's sad to think that the day we anticipated for so long is gone. 

We have spent the last few days just staring at our little man. All of his funny facial expressions & noises make us laugh. 

He loves to be swaddled up tight, loves to hold our fingers when he isn't wearing baby mittens & gives us a wicked mean mug when he wakes up from naps or gets his clothes and diaper changed.

We are so blessed & thank God so much for this sweet little boy

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Awkward's & Awesome's of Pregnancy This Far . . .

i am 20 weeks and although there is still lots of fun in store, there are definitely a few awkward's so far...

-let's just go ahead and say it, my body. although i may not look preggo to everyone yet, i'm definitely feeling different. i've realized that my belly is quite a bit extra to be carrying around and have already noticed it's getting slightly uncomfortable. 
-i still feel like i get a "look" every once in a while (mostly after eating lunch or dinner because that's when the belly loves to come out to play) and i can tell someone is trying to decide whether i'm pregnant or not. i'm about ready to buy one of those shirts i see on pinterest that say "there's a baby in here, not an extra meal!"
-the fact that i think this little peanut is dancing on my pelvic bone. Little baby C doesn't even seem to mind that it's slightly uncomfortable for me. i sure hope he/she is enjoying themself in there...
-my sleeping situation. it's starting to get slightly awkward. let's just say, pillows in front, pillows behind, pillows in-between... and no room for hubs. 

-the fact that i am making a human right now. pretty amazing if you ask me.
-my husband. he is awesome. that man makes sure to let me know every single day how beautiful i am and how much he loves me and our baby. he is going to be the best dad and it makes my day. every day.
-starting to feel baby move. and i get as giddy as a little schoolgirl.
-the fact that i can love this little one so much. and I haven't even met them yet . . . I'm so excited to have this baby here :)

20 weeks . . .

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy Nurses Week :)

Yes, I have a stomach of steel . . . well most of the time :) 

Happy Nurses Week to all my fellow nurses!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Beergaritas . . .

Ok so I have a new favorite drink . . . They are SO GOOD.  It has two of my favorite beverages 1) being Jose Quervo and 2) beer!!! If you like these two drinks then this is a must try . . . Recipe goes something like this. Fill your blender 3/4 of the way full with ice, one frozen Minute Maide Limeade concentrate, one squeezed lime ( just the juice ) and as much tequila as you want. I think I used like 1/4 of a regual bottle of Jose Cuervo for my batch. ( I suck at recipes! ) Blend it. Rim your glass with salt. If your glasses won't hold a bottle of beer, you can just add the corona to the blender, otherwise just tip it into the glass at the end! Each batch makes about 4 beergaritas, depending on how big you want them! And you'll want them big . . .trust me! They're delicious. 

Here's how mine turned out . . . 

I don't have margarita glasses yet . . . they are on my shopping list . . . so I just had to use one of our drinking glasses so I wasn't able to tip the bottle of corona in my glass . . which is a total bummer because I think that just completes the look but if you do have a margarita glass your finished drink should look like this:
image from pinterest . . .
Enjoy and I would love to hear from anyone who has had them or that makes them . . .


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wish List . . .

Why is it that I always have like a million things that I want when my birthday and christmas have already passed?!?! Oh well . . . Mother's Day is coming up :) :) so hopefully this is one post my hubby or daughter reads. . . XOXO

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sibling Love . . .

I love you all so much . . . You are all my best friends and I wish I could spend every single day with you!! My best moments are when we're all together wether it's just laying around talking, drinking a few glasses  I mean one glass of wine of course. . . "Said not one of us EVER LOL"  or if its just us laughing uncontrollably. . . I know no matter what happens we will always be the best of friends and always be there for each other . . . HUGS AND KISSES!! MUAH MUAH

 Cheers to National Sibling Day!! 

Monday, April 8, 2013